Faculty of Dentistry

Important Announcement as per the Law on the Protection of Personal Data


Dear Students,

We strongly remind you that all audio and video recordings from the teaching of online courses are “personal data” of our involved teaching staff as per the Law on the Protection of Personal Data (KVKK) and are broadcasted only within the boundaries of online teaching. Utmost care should be taken to protect such personal data from online teaching, meaning that you must not record online courses using any electronic device, not share them on any social media platform and not put them into circulation in any way. Failure to do so would mean a violation of the personal data of the involved teaching staff member as per KVKK and we underline that such violations do/might result in serious legal and penal action and in case of such violations, our institution will not bear any legal/civil liability and any liability in this respect will fall on the involved individual(s). This announcement is a notification as per the Articles 8 and 10 of KVKK. We strongly believe that as our dear students, you will adhere to the relevant legal arrangements. We wish healthy days to you all.